
Facebook Marketing Tips You’ll Definitely “Like”

Facebook is currently the largest social media platform in the world, boasting about 1.28 billion users as of June, 2014. For brand marketers, though, these billion-plus people aren’t just potential friends but possible customers as well. It’s not surprising, then, that many of them promote a brand, product, or service on the site to generate more leads.
Of course, a large audience does not guarantee more customers. To get the most “likes” and shares on the platform, here are a few marketing tips you should take to heart:
Use Facebook Insight

Want to know what posts are popular with your audience? Then use Facebook Insights. Through it, you’ll be able to measure key metrics such as reach and engagement. The best part is: it’s absolutely free!

Target Your Audience

Face it: not everyone on Facebook belongs to your target market. Fortunately, the platform has some of the most robust audience targeting features among social networks. If your ideal customer is a female between 25 to 40 years old, who lives in your city, and speaks both English and Spanish, just upload a .csv file containing these parameters to the site’s ads manager page.

Reply Now, Not Later

Customers tend to patronize brands that are very responsive on Facebook. If someone posts a query or praises you on the site, reply to them no later than 24 hours after the fact.

New Frontiers: Brand Marketing In the Facebook Age

According to the American Marketing Association, a brand is a “name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of them intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of other sellers.” Today’s crowded market means that your brand should stand out. One of the ways to do this is to have significant online presence, especially in social media platforms like Facebook.

The social media platform can be a crowded place, with its one billion subscribers worldwide. However, this just makes it an excellent venue to reach your customers. This can be done by keeping in mind a few things:

  • Be aware of your target market: knowing just who you are marketing to influences your strategy. You must know what they want in order to utilize the correct content, whether it is celebrity news for the young or cat videos for the middle-aged. Accurate targeting reaches more people.
  • Do some planning: A coherent strategy with one focus will help you get heard in the crowd. Posting strategies combined with directed contented will garner you the right attention.
  • Learn to adapt: Better content doesn’t just spring up out of nowhere. Monitoring what people like and changing tack to meet those desires is part of being at the forefront of marketing.
  • Get the right people: Facebook has its celebrities and these people get all the likes and attention. Reaching out to them will widen your market exposure.